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2022학년도 1학기 기숙사 신청 / Application for dormitory in the first half of 20…


⚠Note: BUFS is not responsible for any disadvantages caused by forgetting or not carefully reading the information below. 

1. Religion is a conflict factor between roommates, so be sure to enter it correctly. 

2. Roommate application is completed only when two people (three people in the case of a three-person room in the off-campus dormitory) write each others name. You can only apply for a roommate of the same gender who has applied for the same dormitory. 

3. Those who do not write the name of the roommate are assigned at random, and cannot be changed even if there is friction between roommates after living there.

★ 유의사항 ★

- 기숙사 자리가 정해져 있어 신청학생이 많을 경우 전원을 수용하지 못할 수도 있습니다.

- 위의 기간 이후에는 신청이 불가하오니 반드시 기한 내에 신청해 주시기 바랍니다.

- 학생이 신청한 거주기간과 배정된 거주기간은 다를 수 있습니다.

- 기간내 미신청에 대한 불이익은 본인에게 있습니다.

★ Precautions ★

- Dormitory seats are fixed, so if there are many students who apply, they may not be able to accommodate all of them.

- Applications cannot be made after the above period, so please make sure to apply within the deadline.

- The residence period applied by the student and the assigned residence period may be different.

- You are responsible for any disadvantages caused by not applying by yourself.

BUFS2021. 12. 22조회수4,199