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사이트 내 전체검색
[행사] 일본 전통 문화 체험 프로그램 신청자 모집 안내

[노마드 신청 링크]

2023.11.22. (14:00 ~ 15:30) : https://url.kr/hw3xu1

2023.11.29. (14:00 ~ 15:30) : https://url.kr/2spwnl 


Guidance for Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Culture Experience Program

- Date and Time: November 22, 2023 / November 29, 2023 (Wednesday) 14:00 ~ 16:00

- Location: Japanese Martial Arts Experience Room, Building I, Room 101 (Meet in front of the Aviation Service Department practice room)

- Number of Participants: Up to 12 people per session (first come, first served)

- How to Apply: Log in to the Nomad Talent System ▶ Extracurricular Activities ▶ Program Application

- Activity Details: Appreciation and experience of martial arts etiquette (tea tasting, traditional sweets) 

                  Traditional attire experience (Kimono, Yukata)


국제교류처2023. 11. 16조회수1,819